Welcome to American Fantastic New Point Oh

Welcome back to American Fantastic!  It's been a while, hasn't it?  Since you and I hung out.  That's my fault.  You know it is with work. Family.  Or maybe you don't.  But that's okay, I'm here to explain what happened.  

It's been six months since we last updated.  That's way too long, isn't it?  What kind of ramshackle website is this anyway? Look, there's dishes in the sink.  Junk all over the floor.  I won't even mention the coffee table.  I think you know why. Okay, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Our very first book!  Ain't she cute?

Our very first book!  Ain't she cute?

Founder and Editor-in-Chief John Beechem has written and published American Fantastic's first print publication, Delusions of Grandeur: Stories and Poems.  Jack Scally generously gave permission for us to use one of our favorite images for the front cover. Yoko Molotov created the back cover, a black and white illustration for John's zombie short-story, "The Good, the Bad and the Dead". This book provides an essential selection of John's most recent work, representing pulp genres including sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, plus John's poetry and literary fiction.  You can pick up a copy at Carmichael's Bookstore, Amazon or purchase a copy from John personally if you'd like to have it signed.  He is currently writing new, unpublished stories which will be released on American Fantastic soon.  

 Back Cover Art by Yoko Molotov.  She will eat you alive.

We won't bore you with too many details, but the book's publication significantly delayed our most recent on-line update.  To keep up with American Fantastic between updates, please like us on Facebook!

El Patron Phlogisto by Dordji.  "And ye shall fear Phlogisto the Armless!"

El Patron Phlogisto by Dordji.  "And ye shall fear Phlogisto the Armless!"

Dordji has reached into his twisted mind and brought forth clawing and biting a few new creations.  Phlogistro communes with his worshippers.  He is a powerful and (usually) benevolent deity.  Also be sure to check out The Tyrant Lizard of Doomgore National Park, what you would get if you crossed a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a nightmare.  

Cloudy with a chance of enlightenment.

Cloudy with a chance of enlightenment.

Caleb Beechem continues to shoot and publish new photographs.  His landscapes seem pulled from the imagination.  All kinds of earthly creatures fall pray to his lens as you can tell from his gallery.  Visit Beechem Photography to see even more of his work or to hire him.

John has also been on the FM airwaves.  Listen to American Fantastic Radio Hour Episode 7, recorded and broadcast live on ARTxFM 97.1 WXOX in Louisville, KY. Host John Beechem and guest Kelly Shiflet (artist and John's wife) talk about the indie video game Hyperlight Drifter, dissect and spoil Game of Thrones episodes and novels (48:30), and chat merrily.  John also reads a poem about Kelly's truck being destroyed by a drunk driver [DON'T WORRY NO ONE WAS HURT] and reads from his sci-fi, noir short story To Yellow Fever.

Travel even further back in time to listen to American Fantastic Radio Hour Episode 6,  also recorded and broadcast live on ARTxFM. John Beechem reads his zombie pulp fiction, The Good, the Bad and the Dead, talks about local artist and expert in the undead, Yoko Molotov, and speaks to Maplex Monk about Haptic Ultra.  Music for the faithfully departed by White Zombie, the Misfits, Sek and video game composer Koichi Sugiyama. Illustration by Yoko Molotov.

That's about all we have for you this time.  Thank you for returning to our mad den of the macabre, for exploring our weird wonderlands and alliterative alleyways.  Please tell a friend or enemy about American Fantastic.  If you are an artist or know one, please submit original work to americanfantastic@gmail.com.  

And remember, when reality becomes a burden, enjoy a sojourn into the fantastic...